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DotA Mode

Diposting oleh Dandy Lomokz | 13.24

DotA has many mode in this game. If you are a host of a game, you have 15 seconds to input modes before you play. If you don`t input a modes until 15 second, so mode randomly to normal mode. To input the mode you can push enter like you talking to people in the game.

The modes can be divide by two different modes. Here are the list :

Primary Game Modes

-ap (-allpick) : Everyone may pick heroes from any tavern.
-ar (-allrandom) : Every player gets a random hero from any tavern.
-tr (-teamrandom) : Every player gets a random hero from the taverns belonging to their tea.
-mr (-moderandom) : Randomly picks a mode from All Random, All Pick, Team Random and
normal mode.
-sd(-singledraft) : Three different random heroes are offered to each player, one for each
Primary Attribute. Each player chooses which of the three heroes they
want by typing -pick 1/2/3.
-lm (-leaguemode) : All forms of random are disabled. 10 players required. The teams will pick
in alternating orders, one team picking one hero, the other team picks two
heroes, the first team picks two heroes, the other team picks two heroes,
the first team picks their two last heroes, the other team picks their last
hero (1-2-2-2-2-1). Each player has 20 seconds to pick a hero, otherwise
one is randomed for him/her. The team which has the first pick is
random. Can only pick from your side, Sentinel or Scourge, like Normal
-xl (-extendedleague) : All forms of random are disabled. 10 players required. Both team leaders
(blue for Sentinel, pink for Scourge) may remove up to 4 heroes each
from all available ones in the first 20 seconds. Players then pick from the
remaining heroes like in League Mode.
-rd (-randomdraft) :Needs an even amount of players on each team to be activated. 22
random heroes are picked from all available ones and placed into 2
taverns (available for both Sentinel and Scourge). The remaining heroes
taverns (available for both Sentinel and Scourge).
-vr (-voterandom) : Three random matchups will be chosen, and each player gets to cast a
vote on which of the three matchups they want, using -option 1/2/3.
Needs an even amount of players on each team to be activated.

Secondary Game Modes

-dm (-deathmatch) : If you die, you will have to pick a new hero once you can respawn. If a
random primary mode was selected, you will receive a hero according to
that random mode. A team loses if it has 44 deaths.
-rv(-reverse) : The Sentinel’s players pick the Scourge’s team and the Scourge’s players
pick the Sentinel’s team. Needs an even amount of players on each team
to be activated.
-sp (-shuffleplayers) : The teams will be randomly shuffled. This includes which colour you
have and which side you are on. Also evens the number of players in
both teams if possible.
-np (-nopowerups) : No runes will spawn.
-mi (-miniheroes) : Makes all heroes spawn at half size. Only model size is affected, collision
size and Illusion size remain the same.
-ns(-noswap) : Swap commands do not work.
-nr(-norepick) : Repick command does not work.

Game Commands

  • -repick: Repick Gives you a new hero instead of the one you already have, at a cost. Can only be used once, in the first minute, but not in league mode. Repick costs 150 gold normally, but in -ar and -tr it costs 400 gold.
  • -ma: Matchup Displays which opponent controls which hero.
  • -ms: Move Speed Displays your heroes movement speed.
  • -unstuck: Unstuck Channels for 60 seconds, then moves your hero back to your base.
  • -recreate: Recreate Available for N’aix, Terrorblade, Dragon Knight and Banehallow. Use when close to the fountain if you have lost control of your hero (metamorphosis problem). 200 seconds channeling.
  • -gameinfo: Game Info Displays some information on the different game modes that are used.
  • -hidemsg/unhidemsg: Toggle Hero Death Message Turn on/off the Hero death message spam.
  • -refresh: Refresh Refreshes PA’s blur so that if you were visible you will become transparent again. This does not affect evasion in any way.
  • -showdeny: Show Deny Show denies.
  • -swaphero: Swap Hero Only usable once, and only in the first 90 seconds. Brings up a menu where you can select a teammate whom you would like to change hero with. The player you choose will get a menu where he can either accept or decline your offer.
And there are many modes who i can`t mention it one by one. So let`s play DotA with mode.


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